Camp Bell Campground Rules and Regulations 2025

Check-in time for campsites is 1:00PM and checkout is Noon.

Check-in time for Cabins & RV Rentals is at 2:00PM and checkout is at 11:00AM.

If you need to arrive earlier, or leave later, there is a $15 early arrival/late departure fee. Please check at the office for availability of your site.

All visitors must be registered with the campground office and pay the daily fee, per person. Campers are responsible for their visitors at all times. All visitors must leave the property by the time the store closes or upgrade your visitor pass to overnight pass. No Visitors are allowed to enter the campground before 9:00AM or after 8:00PM. A maximum of 4 adults and a total of 6 people (including those registered to the campsite) are allowed to stay overnight.  Visitors are not allowed to bring tents or other camping units to stay in.  They must stay inside your camping unit.

You are responsible for the supervision of all children under 18 and they may not be left at the campground alone. All children under the age of 6 must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Children under 18 must be at their campsite by 10:00PM. Any children under the age of 16 must be accompanied at the pool by a responsible adult (See other pool rules). Please note:  We have a zero tolerance policy for underaged drinking & drug use. Children under 5 years of age must have adult supervision at all times. Parents shall be held responsible for any damage incurred by their child.

Your pets must be leashed; kept as quiet as possible to not disturb other guest and under your control at all times. The dog park is there for unleashed fun! Any dogs found to be of aggressive nature or biting will be removed from the campground immediately. Rest rooms and all other campground buildings are off limits to pets. Do not tie to trees and leave unattended. Clean up after your pet, please. Dispose your pets Poop in trash receptacles. We have provided Dog Pot Stations for your convenience. We ask that you have a copy of your pets’ vaccination papers with you at the campground, should a need arise for them. We will not be responsible for holding a copy.

You may only ride from Dusk to Dawn.  Absolutely no riding after dark. Per NYS Law all children under the age of 14 must wear a helmet when riding.  Please ensure bikes are not parked on any roadway and are properly placed in the bike racks provided around the campground. No bikes are allowed in the pavilions, buildings and on the concrete around the rec hall.

In accordance with the NY State Clean Air Act, smoking of any kind is not permitted inside any of the campground buildings, pavilions, swimming pool or playground.

Campfires should never be left unattended.  Trash other than paper products are not to be put in the fire pits.  This includes food, plastic, Styrofoam & other items that do not burn or create a smell. Campfires are permitted in designated fire rings and must be extinguished before retiring or leaving site.  If you choose to bring/build your own Fire ring it must be approved by management.

Chainsaws and defacing trees in any way is prohibited.  Firewood is available for purchase at the store. We follow NY DEC Regulation 6 NYCRR Part n192 section 192.5. of what firewood may be brought into the park. Large quantities of firewood must be stacked neatly.

Trash should be deposited in the dumpster next to the dump station. There are many receptacles around the campground for your convenience. Please do not litter.

Our campground water is supplied by a well, please use it wisely. No washing of cars or trailers please. Please use a dishpan when washing at outdoor faucets. Washing of dishes in the bathroom is prohibited because it can permanently damage our sinks

Will be observed between 11:00PM – 8:00AM. Please note that voices carry in the campground. Radios and outdoor TV’s are to be turned off during quiet hours. Children under 18 must be at their campsite by 10:00PM.

Campground Speed Limit is 5MPH at all times. This starts at the entrance gate at the top of the campground. You may be asked to park at the entrance and walk within the campground if in violation. No unlicensed operators may drive a vehicle within the campground. Mini-bikes,  Mopeds, ATVS, and Personal Golf Carts are not allowed (permission may be granted by management for those with a handicap).

Illegal Drugs, Firecrackers, fireworks of any kind, sky lanterns, firearms, BB guns, sling shots, or any other type of explosives or Weapons of any kind are not permitted.

Be courteous toward your neighbors. Do not walk through other campsites, vacant or occupied. Excessive noise, loud music, or foul behavior will not be tolerated.

The owners / managers are not liable for loss, damage or stolen property or for injury to any person or persons.

This property is privately owned. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and will not be responsible for accidents or injury to campers or for the loss of money or valuables of any kind.  We reserve the right to evict any person or family, who in our opinion is violating the rules, vandalizing, non-payment, creating a disturbance, etc. WITH NO REFUNDS!